Saturday, November 5, 2011

Oct. 17, Sydney, Nova Scotia

Sydney is on Cape Breton Island in the Province of Novia Scotia.  We took a taxi to the town of Baddeck, where the AG Bell museum is located. During the drive there, the  taxi driver, Martin, told us all about Sydney and about his own life and family.

Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) was the inventor of the telephone and was also known for his education of the deaf. Bell first visited Cape Breton in 1885 and set up a vacation home the following year. He spent a good part of each year there with his wife Mabel Hubbard Bell away from the formality and summer heat of Washington DC.

We visited the AG Bell museum and historic site.

  We discovered that he was not only known for the telephone and as a teacher of the deaf, but he was a prolific inventor in aeronautics, marine engineering, medicine, etc.  we saw his hydrofoil craft at the musuefulm.

Naomi and Martin (our taxi driver)
Alexander Graham Bell and Mabel sculpture  in Baddeck, Nova Scotia

Sculpture of Allen with Alexander Graham Bell & his wife, Mabel.  (Seems like Medusa's head turned Allen into stone to better socialize with the Bells.)
An interesting 5 minute video about Bell is included here:


  1. Until reading this blog, the only thing I knew about Sydney, Nova Scotia is that it is the Canadian Immigration headquarters.
    Your adventures there seem more exciting!
    Ligeia :)

  2. Great Photoshop technique to make you look like statue!
